Ok, so today I decided to take Logan with me while I took Meghann to work. Wouldn't ya know....he threw a hissy! He told me, I mean, he screamed at me...."I DON'T WANT TO GO WITH YOU!" And he continued screaming this out the driveway, down our street, and all the way to the freeway. With me saying in between breaths..."we'll go to lunch, we'll go to Target, we'll have lots of fun!" Then him screaming ...."I DON'T WANT TO GO WITH YOU!!!!!" I'm telling you, I'm starting to get hurt feelings! However, it turns out that he wanted to go to the park with Lexi, Hannah and the other boys to "play with the wheel". I said, "the wheel?", and he said, "yes, the wheel" all sad and dejected with his chin down against his chest. Turns out there's a really fun wheel at the park that he wanted to get his hands on. After we went through the whole "I'm sorry that you don't get to play on the wheel" thing, he was fine! He was the life of the party! At least, he was after he talked me into going to the place I hate most! That's right, MICKEY D's! McDonalds for those that don't know or care for that word. He wanted to go in and play. So, we did! I guess I'm a sucker for those sad eyes and pathetic looks. He played for over an hour and I sat there watching him. At times he would call..."Mom! Mom!" I would look up and wave. But heaven forbid I didn't hear him in that madhouse.....He would scream..."MOOOOOOOMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!! MMMMMMMMMOOOOOMMMMM!!!" Then tell me that I need to listen for when he says "Mom!" So that I know he wants me to look! It's only logical, right? Anyway, we enjoyed our day out. We ate, we shopped with AMAZING DEALS, and then came home. Can't get better than that, right? Well, maybe if there wasn't any screaming in the whole scenario....