Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Shopping for cookie cutters and dragees

So, I found this great online shopping site for cookie cutters and dragees. Dragees are those silver and gold balls that we used to eat when we were kids. They decorated christmas cookies with them. They were discontinued when they were found to have small quantities of metal in them. Anyway, I found them! They would look so good on the sugar cookies I'm going to make for christmas. Well, I'm checking them out and finding out how expensive they are and so forth so I click on it and lo and behold....the only state they WON'T send them to is CALIFORNIA!! What a complete bummer! I was so excited. Well, maybe I can get Julie to get them and bring them to me but thats not till December 23rd. Ugh!!
Oh! Before I forget! Christina, when do you want to come over and bake? I am soooo in the mood for making things. The kids are too. I made a GREAT christmas cd with all of my favorites like Bing Crosby, Nat King Cole, SheDaisy, Mariah Carey, etc. Actually, it's two cds. I had too many songs listed to only make it on one. I've got it in the car and have been listening to it. It's kind of exciting because usually I listen to christmas music in September but I held off till November. Can you believe it? Today it actually is raining. We are getting all cozy today and want to watch christmas movies, drink hot chocolate, and cuddle up in blankets. Now THAT is christmas!! I bought the boys some church shirts, sweaters, and corduroy pants. I got a pretty good deal. Except for two of the shirts. I thought they were pretty expensive. I wish I knew where I could buy church shirts that were less expensive. Tonight is a Heritage Makers workshop and I sure hope that there are eight or so people there. It would be a good one then. Well, I'll chat later .

1 comment:

Julia said...

I love those little balls! Do they still have any metal in them? I'll order those balls if you send me the Christmas CD's. Deal? I'm really tired so I'll catch you later!